How Long Can I Expect My Dental Crown to Last?
November 10, 2023

Dental crowns are used to restore a damaged tooth to its original size, shape, and function. Modern crowns are designed to look and work like real teeth, but they will eventually wear out and need replacement. The good news is that if you take excellent care of it, your crown can look and work great for much longer than average. Here’s how long you can expect a dental crown to last as well as a few tips for keeping it in excellent shape.
(more…)How Do Dentists Prepare Teeth for CEREC Crowns?
October 3, 2023
If you need a dental crown, it’s normal to have concerns about the road ahead. Although crowns are beneficial, you’ll require a procedure that involves reshaping your tooth. You don’t have to worry about any pain or damage to your tooth. Here’s what you can expect while your dentist preps your tooth for a restoration.
How Can Foods and Drinks Stain Your Teeth?
September 5, 2023
Teeth come in many shades and tones naturally, but they also change color over time. Besides aging and your oral hygiene habits, the foods and drinks you consume can also cause tooth discoloration if you aren’t careful. Here are the top stain-causing foods and what you can do to keep your smile its brightest.
Common Cosmetic Dental Problems & Their Solutions
September 2, 2023
Few people have perfect teeth naturally. Not to mention, their appearance changes over time for various reasons, like poor oral hygiene habits, age, or injuries. Although you can’t change your genetics or turn back time, you don’t have to feel embarrassed by unattractive teeth. Cosmetic dentistry provides solutions for people from all walks of life to address aesthetic flaws. Here are 4 ways your cosmetic dentist can fix the most common imperfections.
Is Replacing Healthy Teeth with Dental Implants a Good Idea?
August 19, 2023

Dental implants offer many important advantages, and as such they are often regarded as the gold standard for replacing teeth that are missing or severely damaged. But what if your teeth are currently in good health? Could dental implants still be worth getting? Here’s some important information that can help you figure out what is truly right for your smile.
(more…)Is Orthodontic Treatment Still an Option if You Have Dental Implants?
August 6, 2023

Orthodontic treatment isn’t just for children; it can also help adults straighten their teeth and correct their bite issues. But what if you have lost one or more natural teeth and replaced them with dental implants? Will you still be able to undergo the orthodontic process? Here’s what people with dental implants need to know before pursuing straighter smiles.
(more…)Can Dental Implants Rust Over Time?
July 19, 2023

If you have dental implants, you’re probably satisfied with their performance in restoring your smile. However, being aware that they are made of metal might raise concerns about the potential for rusting over time. Fortunately, the likelihood of your new teeth rusting is minimal, and your Metairie dentist can confirm this. Here’s a brief overview of why implants rarely rust, preventive measures to maintain their condition, and additional tips for caring for your implants.
(more…)Can You Still Have Teeth Whitening Done Even if You Have Dental Implants?
June 9, 2023

Not too long ago, you had dental implants placed in order to fill in some empty space in your smile. You’re more than happy with the results, but lately, you’ve noticed that some of your natural teeth are looking duller than you would like. You’re thinking about having teeth whitening performed in order to brighten your grin – but is that even an option after receiving dental implants? Here are the facts about professional whitening and whether it could be a viable choice in your case.
(more…)What Does a Tooth Extraction Feel Like?
May 13, 2023
Dentists always strive to preserve every natural tooth because each one is vital for your oral health and functions. However, extraction is best in certain situations, like impacted wisdom teeth or preparation for dentures. No matter the reason, it’s normal to have a little anxiety about the road ahead. Don’t worry, here are 4 things you can expect during your extraction.
What Happens If Your Toothache Disappears?
May 2, 2023
If you’ve ever tossed and turned all night from a toothache, you know how agonizing dental pain can be. Contrary to common belief, an occasional toothache isn’t normal. It’s a sign of an underlying dental issue that can turn into a big problem if you don’t see an emergency dentist. If you try to wait out the pain, you may lose your tooth. Here’s what happens if your toothache suddenly goes away.