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Dental Implants – Indianapolis, IN

The Definitive Way to
Bring Back Missing Teeth

Woman with full smile after dental implant tooth replacement

Replacing your lost teeth is crucial for your long-term oral health, not to mention your ability to do everyday activities like smile and eat. But there’s one tooth replacement option that stands out above all the rest – dental implants. Unlike dental bridges and dentures, implants recreate the roots of your teeth, making them more stable, reliable, and long-lasting than any other solution. Here at Martinez Dentistry, Dr. Corey Martinez’s extensive training means he can perform every step of the dental implant treatment in one location for a convenient, streamlined experience. To learn more about the definitive way to bring back missing teeth, contact us today and schedule your consultation to discuss tooth replacement with dental implants in Indianapolis, IN!

Why Choose Martinez Dentistry for Dental Implants?

  • Start-to-Finish Dental Implant Treatment Under One Roof
  • Experienced, Highly Trained Implant Dentist
  • CT/Cone Beam Scanner for Ultraprecise Treatment Planning

What Are Dental Implants?

Animated smile during dental implant placement

What makes dental implants uniquely beneficial is their three-part structure. A dental implant itself is a cylindrical titanium post that mimics the missing tooth roots. Once this post is surgically placed in the jawbone, it merges with the tissue, becoming just as embedded as the roots of your natural teeth. Then, the implant can support a custom restoration (crown, bridge, or denture) via a metal abutment. By recreating every part of a missing tooth, a dental implant is able to look, feel, and function as if the tooth had never been lost in the first place!

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

Animated dental implant supported denture representing the four step dental implant process

Dental implant treatment is more complex than that of traditional dentures and bridges, so the process can take several months longer. However, when you consider that implants can last for many decades, the wait is a small price to pay! While every treatment is a little bit different, here are the four main steps that you can expect during the process of restoring your smile with dental implants.

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Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Woman at dental implant consultation in Indianapolis

The first step when it comes to restoring your smile is attending a consultation with us. At this time, we will take a look at your smile and surrounding facial structures. This will help us to determine whether dental implants are a good option for you and how they should be placed in your mouth.

Some patients need to have preliminary procedures completed before getting dental implants, like bone grafting, gum disease treatment, and tooth extractions. After this, we can move forward to planning the rest of your treatment. During your consultation, we are also happy to walk you through the process so you know exactly what you can expect, including the timeline and cost.

Dental Implant Surgery

Dentist in Indianapolis performing surgery.

Next comes your dental implant placement surgery. After we numb your mouth with a local anesthetic, a small incision is made into the gum tissue to access your jawbone. The implants will then be placed at precise locations and angles. Lastly, your gums will be closed, and protective caps will be placed over the dental implant posts to keep them safe during the healing process.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment Placement

Dentist in Indianapolis performing surgery.

Over the next 3 to 6 months, the fusion process will take place between the implant(s) and the jawbone. This process is called “osseointegration.” This allows for your implant to have a sturdy foundation so that your replacement teeth stay firmly in place. Once this process has been completed, we can place a metal abutment on the end of your implant.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restorations

Woman smiling with dental implants in Indianapolis.

A few weeks after your abutment has been placed, your restoration should be ready. You can return to our office where you will receive your new crown, bridge, or denture (depending on the number of teeth that you are having replaced). At this point, we will check to make sure that your bite is comfortable, and you will be sent on your way to reap the benefits of your complete smile!

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Man and woman smiling together enjoying benefits of dental implants

There is no wonder why dental implants are becoming so popular! Dental implants are strategically and precisely placed in the jawbone, therefore providing benefits that you can’t get with other tooth replacement options, like traditional dentures and dental bridges. Here are just some of the ways that dental implants can improve the quality of your life.

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Day-to-Day Benefits

woman brushing her teeth

Once your gums and your jawbone have healed, your dental implant shouldn’t feel any different from your natural teeth. You might even forget that it’s there. Here are some of the ways you can benefit from dental implants every day:

  • Easy Maintenance: There isn’t a special way to care for your dental implants. You just need to do all of the same things that you do for natural teeth. Brush twice, floss, and rinse with mouthwash every single day. You should also continue to attend regular cleanings and checkups every six months.
  • Stronger Bite: Dental implants can restore your bite force up to 90%. This is much more than you can expect with traditional bridges and dentures.
  • Increased Confidence: If you have gaps in your smile, it can be easy to feel self-conscious. With dental implants, you can show off your smile with pride!

Health Benefits

man at the doctors office

Dental implants have a positive impact on health. Here are some of the ways that dental implants improve your well-being.

  • Improved Dental Health: Missing teeth means an increased risk of other dental issues. This includes gum disease, misalignment, and additional tooth loss. Dental implants can help to prevent these negative effects.
  • Better General Health: Dental health and general health are very closely related. When your smile is healthy, you are at a lower risk of several life-threatening conditions, like diabetes and heart disease.
  • Prevents Bone Loss: When your jawbone isn’t being stimulated through regular chewing due to tooth loss, it will start to be reabsorbed by the body. Since dental implants replace the roots of the missing teeth, they stimulate the jawbone and prevent bone loss.

Long-Term Benefits

man smiling outside

Dental implants have a higher cost than traditional dentures and dental bridges, and it makes sense why. Implants are an investment in the future of your smile. Here are some of the benefits that you can experience for many years down the road.

  • Successful: Dental implants have an extremely high success rate of over 95%! Dental implant failure is very unlikely.
  • Long-Lasting: Other tooth replacement options, like dentures, need to be relined or replaced periodically. However, dental implants are made to last for many decades, so you may never have to worry about your missing teeth again!
  • Save Money: Dental implants have a higher upfront cost, but they last for a very long time, so you don’t need to worry about frequent repairs or replacements. Implants also help to prevent oral health issues that are expensive to treat. In the long run, dental implants may help you save money.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Woman considering dental implant tooth replacement

Honestly, dental implants can work no matter how many teeth you’ve lost. They’re just as able to restore your smile whether you need to replace one tooth or many. That said, the final tally (and other factors) will affect how Dr. Martinez goes about your treatment. You’ll thus need to consult him and our team before you proceed. To learn more about qualifying for dental implants in Indianapolis, just keep reading or call us.

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Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

A dentist showing his patient a dental implant

Almost any adult with missing teeth can qualify for dental implants, but the posts do have certain requirements. Ideal candidates for them need the following three qualities:

  • Good Overall Health – Placing dental implants is a surgical process, so your body must be strong enough to bear it.
  • Great Oral Health – Cavities and gum disease can cause implant failure if not treated in time. So, a dentist needs to address such things before implant surgery.
  • A Dense Jaw – To support dental implants, your jawbone has to be sufficiently dense. It won’t be able to hold the metal posts in place otherwise.

Despite the above, you can become an implant candidate later if you don’t qualify now. You’ll just have to get preliminary treatments first –  gum disease therapy, tooth extractions, bone grafts, etc. To get you on track, our team can even help you schedule these procedures. We’d then draft a treatment plan based on the number of your missing teeth.

Missing One Tooth

Animated smile during dental implant supported dental crown placement

When you lack one tooth, Dr. Martinez will place a single dental implant and crown. These two devices will blend with your smile and last a good while with proper care. Plus, placement won’t require us to alter any adjacent teeth. We’ll just set the post in your jaw socket and then set your crown a few weeks later.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Animated smile during dental implant supported fixed bridge placement

If you’re missing multiple consecutive teeth, we’ll likely suggest an implant bridge. This option secures a dental bridge with implant posts instead of dental crowns. Therefore, it doesn’t use “abutments” (i.e., nearby natural teeth) to stay secure. In fact, Dr. Martinez won’t have to remove any tooth enamel to place it in your mouth.

For several missing teeth that aren’t in a row, we can attach a partial implant denture. This appliance would use a few implant posts to anchor itself.

Missing All Teeth

Animated smile during dental implant supported denture placement

If you’ve lost all (or most) of your natural teeth, a regular implant denture is the best option. It secures a full arch of replacement teeth with four to six well-placed dental implants. Plus, this device doesn’t slip around, fall, or lose its fit as a traditional denture can. It’ll remain stable and secure for many years so long as you give it daily maintenance.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

an oral surgeon performing dental implant placement surgery

The price of dental implants can vary based on multiple factors (the number of teeth you’re missing, the restoration you need, etc.) and it tends to be higher than that of a bridge or denture. That being said, when it comes to dental work, you typically get what you pay for. Since dental implants are almost exactly like your real teeth and can last for many decades, most patients would say they’re worth every penny! While dental insurance doesn’t often cover implants, our team can help you apply for low- to no-interest financing if need be to make your new smile affordable.

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Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

an oral surgeon performing dental implant placement surgery

Those who are struggling with existing oral health issues, such as gum disease, decay, or insufficient jawbone density may need to undergo preliminary services before moving forward with dental implants. These can include periodontal treatment, bone grafting, and even tooth extraction if necessary, which can all raise the cost of your restorations.

The dental implant placement surgery will also come with its unique price. The good thing is that you can undergo the entire process at our office, meaning you won’t have to worry about separate bills from different locations. Plus, our team will work with you on a payment plan as well as review your insurance coverage to help make your treatment more manageable.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

a 3 D illustration of a dental implant

Other factors that can affect the cost of your dental implants include:

  • The number of dental implants – Having a single metal post to replace a tooth will cost much less compared to needing an entire arch of pearly whites with an implant denture.
  • The kind of restoration – A crown, bridge, and denture will each come with different prices, and the size of your restoration will also influence the cost, as smaller ones are usually more affordable.
  • The material of the restoration – Dental implants that are constructed out of zirconia instead of the usual titanium tend to cost less. Of course, our team will only use the highest quality materials to rebuild your missing teeth.

How Dental Implants Can Save You Money

a patient smiling while getting a dental checkup

Those who wish to stay within their budget might consider dentures or dental bridges as a more convenient option. However, you’ll need to keep replacements and longevity in mind before committing to these treatments. While dental implants cost more upfront, they last several decades or even the rest of your life while dentures and dental bridges only last 10 years or so before needing to be replaced. Dental implants also won’t require special products or solutions to maintain them, making them more cost-effective in the long term.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

a dental insurance form for the cost of dental implants

You might not expect the dental implants themselves to be covered by insurance, but there might be exceptions in your policy, such as preliminary treatments or the final restoration, that you’ll want to keep in mind. Before moving forward with your care, make sure to double-check the details of your plan with your company. Our team will also be happy to help you review your benefits so that you know how to make the most of them.

Making Dental Implants Affordable

If you aren’t currently under a dental insurance policy, that’s okay! Our practice has a few ways to help minimize your out-of-pocket expenses. For instance, we have a special promotion that allows patients to pay $249 per month for a single dental implant, which includes the placement, abutment, and crown. We are also partnered with CareCredit—a third-party financier that can allow you to pay the overall cost of your treatment in low-to-no-interest monthly payments. Don’t hesitate to consult our team on ways to help you pay for the dental services you deserve!

Making Dental Implants Affordable

a patient smiling after receiving dental implants

If you aren’t currently under a dental insurance policy, that’s okay! Our practice has a few ways to help minimize your out-of-pocket expenses. For instance, we have a special promotion that allows patients to pay $249 per month for a single dental implant, which includes the placement, abutment, and crown. We are also partnered with CareCredit—a third-party financier that can allow you to pay the overall cost of your treatment in low-to-no-interest monthly payments. Don’t hesitate to consult our team on ways to help you pay for the dental services you deserve!

Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Red-haired dental patient pointing to her smile

Just as you would get in touch with our team as soon as possible if you noticed a problem with your natural teeth, you should also give us a call if your dental implant has come loose or if you’re noticing other potential signs of failure such as unusual pain. There are many reasons why you might be having trouble with dental implants; our team will help you figure out where the true cause of the issue lies and explain what kinds of treatments can help.

Learn More About Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Caring for Your Dental Implants

Man pointing to his dental implant

One of the benefits of dental implants over other tooth replacement options is that they can potentially last a lifetime. It’s incredibly common for them to endure for 30 years or more provided that you take decent care of them.

Maintaining your dental implants properly is key to ensuring their longevity. With that in mind, here are a few things you can do to keep them in good condition.

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Prioritize Oral Hygiene

Man brushing his teeth

One of the nice things about dental implants is that they aren’t able to develop cavities. However, they’re still susceptible to infection, meaning that clearing up plaque deposits and maintaining solid dental hygiene is critical. Be sure to brush twice a day, floss daily, and use an antibacterial mouthwash.

Eating an Implant-Healthy Diet

Healthy diet lying on a table

Dental implants are strong enough to be able to eat just about anything. That said, just because you can eat something, doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea. If you spend too much time eating sugary sweets, or if you bite down on something too hard, you might get your dental implant in trouble.

Instead, you should make it a point to eat foods that support bone health, like those rich in calcium and vitamin D.

Better Lifestyle Choices

Man breaking a cigarrette

There’s more than just your diet that can compromise your dental implants. Certain lifestyle choices, like smoking and other kinds of tobacco use, can potentially slow down the process of osseointegration and increase your potential for gum disease.

It’s also important not to use your dental implant as a tool to open bottles and packages, as this may damage them.

Protect Your Dental Implants

Mouthguard lying on a table

It’s important to remember that while your dental implants are strong, they’re just as susceptible to accident or injury as any other tooth in your mouth. If you’re an athlete or often play contact sports, you should invest in a mouthguard in order to protect yourself.

You should also talk to us if you grind your teeth, as we could potentially give you a nightguard to reduce the pressure on your dental implant.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Patient talking to a dentist

Finally, but perhaps most importantly, you should come to see us for checkups and cleanings at least twice a year. Not only will we clean up excess plaque in places that you won’t be able to reach, we can also check on the integrity of your implant to ensure that everything is okay.

Dental Implant Post-Op Instructions

Patient in Indianapolis smiling with dental implants

The recovery process after dental implant surgery is long, but there’s no reason to be stressed out by it! Our team at Martinez Dentistry is dedicated to helping you spring back from your surgery with ease and comfort. If you need guidance in that regard, continue reading below. You’ll find all our instructions to make your dental implant recovery a breeze.

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What to Do Directly After Dental Implant Surgery

Patient in Indianapolis recovering with dental implants

The first few days right after your procedure are the most critical to the success of your implants. Your gums and jawbone are in the process of stabilizing, so it’s essential to keep the implant site clean and cared for. Here’s what to do to ensure maximum comfort and stability for your new implant:

  • Avoid spitting or drinking through straws. This suction can disrupt the clotting process around the implant site.
  • If you smoke or vape, try to refrain from using either one for at least the first day to prevent the chemicals from causing irritation or infection.
  • Try to avoid pressing against the implant site with your tongue or fingers as it could accidentally shift the fixture or interrupt the healing process.

Common Side-Effects When Recovering from Dental Implant Placement

Patient in Indianapolis checking their dental implants

There’s rarely ever a “perfect” recovery. Side effects from surgery are common, especially in the first few days after your implants are placed. Here’s what you may experience:

  • Soreness or discomfort around the implant site. Over-the-counter pain medications are usually sufficient to relieve these symptoms. If the pain persists or gets worse over time, call our office for a checkup.
  • Swelling and pressure around the implant fixture. Use a cold compress in 20-minute increments to help reduce the discomfort. This could last anywhere from a couple of days to a full week.
  • Intermittent bleeding. This is also normal after your surgery and may take several days to stop completely. Until then, use gauze and light pressure to keep it to a minimum.

Your Diet After Dental Implant Surgery

Patient in Indianapolis eating with dental implants

What you eat will also need to change for a few days after your surgery while your implant is mending. Be aware that hot, cold, acidic, and spicy foods can irritate or injure the implant site. Here are some great nutritious options to keep your mouth (and your stomach) happy:

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Yogurt
  • Ice cream
  • Warm soup
  • Pudding
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Pasta
  • Soft cheeses
  • Smoothies

Post-Op Health & Oral Hygiene

Patient in Indianapolis flossing their dental implants

Even after your surgery, it’s important to continue your oral health routine. However, you’ll need to be gentle in the initial days of your recovery. Here are some ways you can make your oral care better for your healing implants:

  • Brush and floss as normal but be careful near the implant site.
  • Rinse your mouth two to three times each day with warm, salty water. Swish gently and let the liquid fall from your mouth instead of spitting.
  • Avoid using alcohol-based mouthwash.

What to Do After Your New Teeth Are Attached

Patient in Indianapolis with dental implants celebrating

Once your restorations are attached to your implants, the hard part is officially over! You’ll be in maintenance mode from now on. However, there may be some slight sensitivity for a couple of days after the attachment. Apart from that, you should no longer experience any pain, swelling, bleeding or other side effects. Welcome to your new smile!

Dental Implant FAQs

Questions about dental implants in Indianapolis

Dental implants in Indianapolis are the most reliable method of replacing lost teeth; however, they are a lifelong commitment. It is normal to have a few concerns before you are ready to move forward. Dr. Martinez will explain everything at your dental implant consultation. While you wait for your appointment, here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

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Can I take dental implants out?

A dental implant is unique because it recreates both the root and crown. A titanium post is surgically placed into the jaw, which the bone will fuse to through a process called osseointegration. Therefore, only a trained dental professional can remove the post, but some implant dentures can be taken out for easy cleaning.

How long do dental implants last?

A dental implant can thrive for 30 years or longer, but the overall lifespan depends on your oral health and lifestyle. You can ensure your new smile lasts for decades with a solid oral hygiene routine at home. Brushing, flossing, and using a daily mouthwash will keep your mouth clean and healthy. Your implant dentist in Indianapolis will recommend avoiding anything that can increase your risk of failure, like smoking, using your teeth to open packages, or chewing on your fingernails. Don’t forget to visit your dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and checkup.

Does it hurt to get dental implants?

You don’t have to worry about a painful procedure because your jawbone doesn’t have any nerve endings. Besides using a local numbing agent, your implant dentist will also use a sedative to keep you comfortable. Although you won’t feel any pain during your oral surgery, your mouth will be sore after the effects of any sedatives or numbing agents wear off. Your dentist will review your aftercare instructions before you go home, like taking a prescribed or OTC pain reliever to manage any discomfort. Applying a cold compress to the outside of your face will also numb the area temporarily and reduce any swelling or bruising. Your dentist will advise you to eat softer foods for a few days. If your discomfort worsens or doesn’t improve within a few days, contact our office for further instructions.

What should I do if my dental implant feels loose?

After your jawbone has integrated with the post, your dental implant should never feel loose. If your implant doesn’t feel stable or wiggles, it can be a sign of a big problem. In some situations, the issue can be a loose restoration, while other cases can be caused by infection or bone loss. Don’t wait to see your dentist or you might lose your dental implant. They can pinpoint the cause of the complication to provide the quick treatment you need to safeguard your smile.

How can I tell if my dental implant is failing?

Dental implant failure is rare, but it is important to watch for any signs of complications, like pain, swelling, or redness near the post. Contact our office immediately if you have any symptoms of failure.